Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Joyas Voladoras

Yesterday we read Joyas Voladoras in class. In the article there were many references about hearts in animals, and heart breaks. I think that the ending was more discouraging than the rest of the article or poem, when it was talking about how we never truly love someone, and how we always wish we will find someone to love and love us, but we soon realize that, it may not happen.Some of the lines i thought mad you thing a lot. Especially, the "Every living creature on Earth has approximately two billion heartbeats to spend in a lifetime. You can spend them slowly like a tortoise, and live to be two hundred years old, or you can spend them fast, like a hummingbird, and live to be two years old." It really makes you think how to spend your life. Like you can spend it with love and it could mean something special, or you can waste your whole life complaining, and worrying and have a very sad life. And in the end everyone's heart stops beating, and nothing is ever going to change that. And that's what i think the author is saying in that line. I thought this article really mad e you think about life and the future, and even love.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Waste Land Documentary Response

There were many memorable moments in the movie Waste Land, that we watch over a course of three days in class. However, I believe the most memorable moment in the movie was when the garbage pickers that posed for Vik Muniz, saw the finish product. I thought that their reactions to it were priceless, and they received a large amount of money for working for Vik, and for posing in the pictures, and i thought that was very generous. I also like the way they all thought "Wow. That person in that picture is me."  One other moment that i thought was memorable was when the older picker, Valter, was on the truck and he was so happy and positive, even though his job doesn't pay a lot, and he is poor. While most of the other pickers told stories about negative things that happened to them, Valter was very optimistic and told uplifting stories. I believe that the garbage pickers liked doing something bigger than just picking out the recyclables, out of the garbage. I think that they felt special and important since most of them have had devastation in their lives at one point or another. For example, Isis, had watched her son die of pneumonia, and her daughter was taken away by the father. She says that she hasn't seen her daughter since she was two old, and he daughter now is 8 years old. I believe that having the pickers work their really lifted their spirits and made them feel that they were apart something meaningful. If I were the subject of this project I would feel very special because I would be the center attention. And usually i would be in a giant group picking recyclables out of a bunch of garbage.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Photo Essay

The people in my picture are Kevin Palmers of Goshen CT. In the picture he is holding Michele Mathews on his shoulders. At first glance you might miss how most of the people there, are there to honor their friends and family that died in the Vietnam War. The story that i think this photo tells is how even though the Vietnam War started almost 60 years ago people still come and honor their loved ones that died, fighting in the war. It means a lot to me because when i die i want people to come and still remember me and not forget me. Also some of my relatives fought in the Vietnam War, even though they survived, they still could have been killed. Where would people be if we forgot the dead?

Monday, February 25, 2013

Looking In.

Looking In.

For looking in I took a picture of my brother looking into a box.


For colors I chose a sunset and a sunrise because i thought it looked very pretty nice. I also chose crayons because there are so many different colors of crayons

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


For my texture picture I chose to do a towel because it has a very unique texture so it can soak up water. 


My picture is that the trees are underneath the sky.

What my Family Eats!

My family typical spends about $300 a week for food. In our family we always have milk, yogurt, and orange juice in the fridge. We usually have a bunch of different fruits such as; strawberries, pomegranates  banana, and apples. We also always have bread and sandwich meat to make sandwiches. My family's favorite food is chicken with rice. And cheerios for breackfast is another favorite of mine

Friday, January 25, 2013


I learned many things last year. I learned that sometimes things happen that you can control, and you have to get through it. I also learn that there are something you can control and you have to do something for it. An example is, last year I hurt my knee and it was a very bad injury. I had to go to physical therapy for a long time. You have to work hard to get better when you get injured. I also learned that you can't live in the past. Somethings happen for a reason, and you have to just get through them and move on. My resolution for this year is to stay more organized with school. I  want to resolve  not doing everything right away and procrastinating. 2012 taught me a lot and I hope to resolve somethings in 2013.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

20% Project

Saher and I have decided to do our 20% project on cupcakes. We decided to do cupcakes because we both think baking is fun. We are also both going to bring in cupcakes for the class, that we make at home. Also I think it would pretty fun to learn about the history of cupcakes and where they came from. The materials we are going to need in class are just computers, and Microsoft PowerPoint. However, we are going to need the supplies to bake cupcakes at home. We are probably going to have a hard time finding the history of cupcakes and where they come from. If this ever happens, we are probably going to research the different flavors, and how they were invented. Some people we could consult are, Saher's mom because she is a very good baker. We could also email some famous bakers, and local bakers, and ask them questions. So that's our 20% project is about cupcakes.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The First Amendment

The First Amendment is very important in our country. I am still wondering about the Commonwealth v. Twitchell. I  don't really understand how they didn't go to jail for involentary manslaughter. With some other of the First Amendments, people could take legal action. For example, with freedom of press, many tabloids get sued for printing lies all the time. So why can't the Twithchells go to jail for neglence of  their child? There are limits on all the other freedoms, there should be a limit on freedom of religion when a child, or even an adult, is in danger for their lives. For instance, with freedom of speech, you can't say anything that puts a person in direct danger. Why can't it be the same with freedom of speech?
I know that freedom of religion is one of the most important freedoms to some people. But not helping your child when you know their sick, is just cruel. Praying isnt medicine, and it won't always work.
I do understand that the Twitchell's were just practicing their faith, and following their religion. I realize now that the Twitchell's didnt go to jail because their case was appealed and another judge believed that they were just practicing their rights of the Constitution. Now I understand why the Twitchells didn't go to jail.