Monday, September 24, 2012

Learning Styles Test.

Both tests taught me quite a bit about myself. In the Gregorc Learning styles Test, I found out  that I like to learn in concrete sequential. I never really thought about the way I learn and how I do it. In the Gardner Multiple Intelligence Test, it told me that I am strongly logical-mathematical. I thought this test told me a lot more than the other test did. I had no idea how i like to learn. After the logical-mathematical, I was spatial. I think that this knowledge would help me because I know how I learn now. So it will be easier for me to grasp things now that I know how I learn. Those test told me so much about myself.
Three people i admire are my dad, my mom and my grandmother. I admire my dad because he works hard everyday and he still likes to be with me and my brother. I think that his learning style for the Garner test would be a logical-mathematical learner figures out things by reason, and questions, and calculating. In the Gregorc test my dad would probably be concrete sequential. He likes to be organized and have checklists for things, and he is very detailed. My mom would most likely be a intrapersonal learner in the Gardener test, because she usually is very quiet when she is learning things and she does like setting goals. In the Gregorc test she would be a abstract random because she is very sensitive and emotional, and she has very deep feelings. My grandmother would be a interpersonal learner because she likes leading and talking things over with people. For the Gregorc my grandmother would probably be abstract sequential because she likes reading, she think very intellectually  and she usually does a lot of note taking.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Myths and Truths, Ups, and Downs About Being Gifted

Many children all over the world are considered gifted children. There are many myths and truths, and advantages and disadvantages of being a gifted student. Read the rest of this blog post to find out more about; the myths and truth about gifted and the ups and downs (advantages and disadvantages.) about being gifted. Being gifted myself i have faced plenty of the ups and downs to being gifted.

Some "Ups" To Being Gifted.

There are many advantages to being gifted. First off we are smarter than the average person. Gifted kids can grasp and understand more complicated topics better than the average student. Being smarter can help students in advanced classes, and understand them better. Being a gifted student also makes you more creative. You are able to think differently than others around you. Each gifted student is creative in their own way. All of gifted students may be able to see things differently then each other. Being gifted can also help you get into a good college. Being in a special gifted class where only a select number of students get in, would look really good on college applications. Being gifted has many ups to it.

Some "Downs" To Being Gifted

Not only are there ups to being gifted there are plenty of downs too. For starters there are the expectations. Parents expect their gifted student to excel in every subject they do. They expect them to get all A's. With difficult expectations come lots of pressure. Pressure to get all A's, pressure to be a good student in school. Expectations not only come from parents but from teachers too. They'll expect you to get all A's in their class just because you are gifted. And pressure comes in when you don't want to disappoint your parents and your teachers. Another down to being gifted is being bullied. Gifted students often get bullied for being smart and different then other kids in their grade. When a gifted student is being bullied he/she will try and dumb themselves down, so they don't attract attention to themselves. If gifted students dumb themselves down they may lose their giftedness forever and it will never com back. One last down to being gifted is asynchronous development, which means all of their maturities mature at the same rate. The maturities include; Physical Maturity, Emotional Maturity, Intellectual Maturity, and Social Maturity. One example for asynchronous development is your intellectual maturity is fully matured and you are fairly higher above the average kids in your grade but, you still look fairly young while all of your peers look much older than you. Most people will think of you as being not as smart as all the other student, but in reality, you are on a much higher level of intelligence then they are. And those are some downs to being a gifted child. 

The Myths and Truths of Being Gifted.

There are many myths and truths of being gifted. One myth is that a student that is getting bad grades can't be gifted.  The truth is that some gifted students are sometimes so advanced that they get bored in class. They become very bored in unchallenged classroom. Another myth is that gifted student will do fine in all of the average classes.  The truth is that gifted students need a class just for them.  They also need a teacher that knows how to teach gifted students. Another myth is that AP classes are the classes for gifted children. The truth is that AP classes are college level classes that are taught by a high school teacher for students that want to work hard. One last myth is gifted students don't need help and they will do fine on their own. The truth is that gifted students still need guidance from well trained teacher, that know how to challenge and support them. For more myths and truths of being a gifted child go to  National Association of Gifted Children.

Friday, September 14, 2012

First Post

Hey! I'm Taylor and this is my blog :)!!! Okay so I'm in 8th grade, and I'm on team Excel. My favorite subjects are math because it's pretty easy, and gym because I love sports. The topics I like learn about out of school are probably mysteries and crimes. I just think that it's so interesting to guess who committed the crime. What I really like to do in my free time is to play soccer. I really like soccer! Its my favorite sport and then probably softball. I also like to hang out with my friends in my free time. In addition, I like going to amusement parks. I really like roller-coasters, they are so much fun! I'll pretty much go on any roller-coaster. I don't really know what I want to be when I grow up. I think I want to be a teacher because I like helping little kids. What makes me happy is playing soccer and hanging out with my friends :)!!