Monday, September 24, 2012

Learning Styles Test.

Both tests taught me quite a bit about myself. In the Gregorc Learning styles Test, I found out  that I like to learn in concrete sequential. I never really thought about the way I learn and how I do it. In the Gardner Multiple Intelligence Test, it told me that I am strongly logical-mathematical. I thought this test told me a lot more than the other test did. I had no idea how i like to learn. After the logical-mathematical, I was spatial. I think that this knowledge would help me because I know how I learn now. So it will be easier for me to grasp things now that I know how I learn. Those test told me so much about myself.
Three people i admire are my dad, my mom and my grandmother. I admire my dad because he works hard everyday and he still likes to be with me and my brother. I think that his learning style for the Garner test would be a logical-mathematical learner figures out things by reason, and questions, and calculating. In the Gregorc test my dad would probably be concrete sequential. He likes to be organized and have checklists for things, and he is very detailed. My mom would most likely be a intrapersonal learner in the Gardener test, because she usually is very quiet when she is learning things and she does like setting goals. In the Gregorc test she would be a abstract random because she is very sensitive and emotional, and she has very deep feelings. My grandmother would be a interpersonal learner because she likes leading and talking things over with people. For the Gregorc my grandmother would probably be abstract sequential because she likes reading, she think very intellectually  and she usually does a lot of note taking.

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